Podiatry. Podiatry (or chiropody) treatment involves the cutting of toe nails and removal of hard skin and callouses which includes a relaxing foot bath and gentle moisturising of the skin. The feet are left feeling soft, refreshed and hygienically clean.
This treatment is for all age groups and can be carried out for people with difficult to cut, hard, thickened nails or someone who simply needs general maintenance of healthy nails and skin. If you need podiatry treatment in Harley St,Sutton Coldfield or Bourton-on-the-water then you can book online on the home page or call us. |
Need help with your feet?If you have a problem with your foot or lower limb, and would like to know if Footwise podiatry can help, a member of our Harley Street, Sutton Coldfield or Bourton-on-the -water clinic would be happy to discuss this with you.