Verruca treatment.Verruca are small lumps on the skin caused by a virus, usually affecting the hands and feet. Its commonly related to the use of swimming baths, sports centres and gyms and can be contracted by all age groups.
Treatment of verruca involves freezing or chemical application depending on its severity and location. Chemical treatment may include salicylic acid or monochloroacetic acid or freezing includes cryosurgery. For the latter CryoPen is used with liquid nitrogen. The CryoPens accuracy is achieved via a micro-fine jet of cryogen. In addition we also provide needling under local anaestetic for the more stubborn and chronic clusters. If you require verruca treatment on Harley St,Sutton Coldfield or Bourton-on-the-water clinic then you can go onto our website and book online. |
Need help with your feet?If you have a problem with your foot or lower limb, and would like to know if Footwise podiatry can help, a member of our Harley Street, Sutton Coldfield or Bourton-on-the -water clinic would be happy to discuss this with you.